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Lindsay Transit Center and Mixed-Use

Lindsay, CA

This project is the design of a new transit center for the City of Lindsay. The site will include two new buildings as well as a new bus loop, a drop off area, for car services such as Uber, and parking for the new transit center mixed-use building, as well as a community space and food truck parking. Within the transit center building there will be waiting areas, a ticketing office, and public restrooms. The mixed-use building will house a restaurant with a full kitchen, community space, retail opportunities, and offices for city employees. The sustainable features of this site will include bioswale, a rainwater collection site, and solar panels that will reside over the parking areas as well as the bus waiting areas.

Location: Lindsay, CA

Size: 10,000 square foot mixed-use, 2750 square foot transit center

Contractor: TBD

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